Family Support
We understand that many children and families experience difficult times, which can make a happy, successful school and home life a struggle. One of the roles of a Family Support Worker is to work closely with children and their families who may be experiencing difficulties. This could be as simple as a misunderstanding with friends or it could be a more complex issue such as bereavement or a change in family circumstances. It may be that support is needed for a short while or it could be a longer process.The emotional welfare of our pupils is of the greatest importance to us and having a dedicated Family Support Worker enables these issues to be given the time and care needed to be sensitively and compassionately worked through. We seek to break down the barriers and help you to deal with challenges in a positive way so that all children can be successful and make excellent progress.
At Christ the King Catholic Primary School, we believe that by supporting the whole family, we are supporting the child to gain the best possible experience from their education & home life. We are fortunate to have Mrs Aslanbeigi, our dedicated Family Support Worker, who can offer a 'listening ear' or more formal support for our families. Should you require an informal chat with her, she can be found on the school playground at arrival & dismissal times. Meetings can also be arranged in school and are discrete and confidential. Please do no hesitate to contact her on 0113 2579230 or email the school office for FAO of Mrs Aslanbeigi on
Mrs Aslanbeigi works with and supports families in different ways:
- She listens and appreciates parents/carers issues and offers suggestions and advice for individuals/families on behaviour management, boundaries, routines, e-safety, mental well being
- She can also refer and signpost to other services available locally
- She works with and supports families during key school transitions, including new arrivals and pupils moving onto secondary school
- She works with families who are going through difficulties times. She can support children on a 1:1 basis, listening and working with them in different ways e.g. development of pupil esteem and confidence, friendship issues, family issues or bereavement
- She is also part of the the school's Attendance Team, supporting and giving advice to families
- She is 'Early Help' trained and can support with referrals into the Cluster Team
- Supporting with signposting to local courses, activities, groups or services
Help and support may include:
- Helping to improve home/school links
- Strategies for parents/carers to improve behaviour in the home
- Support for those families undergoing change such as family breakdown/separation / ill health and bereavement
- Signposting and help to access services from external agencies and community services
- Helping with applications for secondary school/benefits/housing
- Support with school attendance and punctuality
- Safeguarding or child protection concerns
- 1-1 and group sessions with children
- A supportive, listening ear
Links to support