Kings Approach, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS13 2DX

0113 257 9230

Christ The King Catholic Primary School A Voluntary Academy

To live, to love, to serve in the light of Christ the King

Our Class Saints

What is a saint?


A saint is a person just like you and me that God gave them special graces to in order for them to do special things. All the saints were holy men and women. Some saints could work miracles and some could heal. God knew these people, as He knows us, and gave them these abilities because God knew these people would do His Will.

Each class at Christ the King Catholic Primary has a dedicated saint. The children will learn about the Saints life, why they are a good role model and how through their example, we might become closer to Christ ourselves. We will also be asking these saints for their intercessions during our own collective worship.



Class Saint


EYFS (Joy Class)

St Teresa of Calcutta

Mary’s Meals

Year 1 (Kindness Class)

St Josephine Bakhita


Year 2 (Generosity)

St Therese of Lisieux

Operation Christmas

Year 3/4 (Patience)

St Gregory the Great

The Good Shepherd

Year 4/5

Blessed Carlo Atticus

Catholic Care

Year 6

St Oscar Romero