Kings Approach, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS13 2DX

0113 257 9230

Christ The King Catholic Primary School A Voluntary Academy

To live, to love, to serve in the light of Christ the King


Mini Vinnies 

Academic Year 2024/2025


Tuesday 23rd January

Mini Vinnies-Unpacking the Word

On Tuesday 23rd January, we had the pleasure of visiting St Paul’s Catholic Primary School to work with Greg from the Mark 10 Mission. We worked with children from all of the primary schools in the St Gregory the Great CMAT to 'unpack the Word'. The children who attended were representing different groups in their schools including Mini Vinnies, Faith in Action, Religious Education Leadership Teams and Prayer Leaders. Greg delivered a moving Collective Worship based on The Good Shepherd and then spoke to the children about how they could use the skills and strategies to deliver their own child-led worship.


2023/2024 Academic Year

Last academic year, our Mini Vinnies got up to lots of exciting things. In the Autumn term they worked hard to collect food for the St Vincent de Paul food bank on York Road. They were lucky enough to be shown around the centre by volunteer Lenorah and stayed for tea and biscuits with the centre manager.


Our Spring term saw another collection taking place. As we approached Easter, we asked for Easter eggs to be part of the collection. When we visited at Christmas, Lenorah told us that people tend to collect a lot around Christmas but that they desperately need collections all year round. We thought we would make a small difference by doing this.


In the Summer term we collected unwanted clothes and donated them to the local SVP charity shop. In one of our Mini Vinnie meetings we were wondering what happens to the clothes that we grow out of. Sometimes they are handed down to siblings but often they get thrown away. We decided that we would pass on our unwanted items to those in need.


In addition to our own activities, we help all year round in school to show others the way to Jesus. During Lent for example we are leading others around our prayer stations to help them to understand how to be close to God.