Kings Approach, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS13 2DX

0113 257 9230

Christ The King Catholic Primary School A Voluntary Academy

To live, to love, to serve in the light of Christ the King





Here at Christ the King School, our aim is to provide a computing curriculum that is designed to provide pupils with a broad and deep knowledge of computational skills alongside opportunities to apply skills in various digital contexts. Knowledge and skills are developed progressively and sequenced in a way that allows pupils to build on their understanding year on year. Children are taught key computing skills through the platform Kapow, which are then applied through engaging and purposeful activities, allowing them to consolidate their understanding and to see the importance of computing in the wider world.

In the modern world we live in, children are surrounded by technology everywhere they go. Computing also has links to a variety of other subjects in school, such as mathematics, science and design and technology. Here at Christ the King, we believe that computing is a subject that not only stands alone but is also woven throughout the entire curriculum. It should be an integral part of all learning and it is an important part of the pupils' readiness to be successful in a technologically advanced world. 

At Christ the King, we are firm in our belief that providing and teaching a high-quality E-Safety curriculum alongside the core values of computer science is a high priority in the digital age. As technology develops, so does the need for a better understanding of how to use it in a responsible, respectful and safe manner. Whilst ensuring the children understand the advantages and disadvantages associated with online experiences, we want them to develop as mindful, responsible and confident users of technology, aware of measures that can be taken to keep themselves and others safe online.

Computing at Christ the King

Long Term Plan 2024-2025

 February 2025.pdfDownload
 January 2025.pdfDownload
 December 2024.pdfDownload
 October 2024.pdfDownload
 September 2024.pdfDownload
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Please click on the icon to be directed to a site which can provide valuable information about keeping your child safe online.